Why Whole and Minimally Processed Plant Foods Should Dominate Your Diet

For Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention

Heart disease (Coronary Artery Disease), Type II Diabetes and common cancers (Breast. Prostate, Colon, etc..) are the leading diseases that cause unnecessary misery and kill Americans prematurely.

Do you have a genetic predisposition for these or other chronic diseases?

What would it mean to you if you could drastically decrease the likelihood of those genes expressing themselves?

We now know that the foods you eat have a great impact on gene expression It has led to the development of a new science called Nutrigenomics.

Nutrigenomics is the study of the effects of foods and food constituents on gene expression.

We’ve known for a long time that the western diet greatly increases risks for chronic diseases – (especially Type II Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease, stroke, and certain cancers).

The western diet is high in processed foods (added fat/oil, added sugar, refined flour, salt, many added chemicals) dairy, meat, fish, poultry, and eggs.

As countries like China and India become more industrialized, inhabitants of cities are adopting a western diet and the incidence of Type II diabetes and other chronic diseases is skyrocketing in both countries.

Also, many human migration studies have shown populations eating traditional diets where chronic diseases were almost non-existent begin developing the chronic diseases common to the locations to which they moved.

What does this tell us?

  • Genetics load the gun
  • Lifestyle, especially diet, pulls the trigger

We are NOT helpless victims to our genes!!

So what types of foods do you think are providing this protective effect against chronic diseases like DM, Heart Disease, common cancers, etc..?

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Whole Plant Foods, Especially Whole Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, and Legumes (Beans, Peas and Lentils)

Whole Food = Any food in it’s most essential, pure and basic form.  Not the same as Organic or Processed

The pigments providing the color of the plants that we eat represent the phytonutrients in the plant (Phyto = plant so Phyto nutrient just means Plant Nutrient).  These phytonutrients, when eaten as part of the whole plant food, provide us enormous health protection. There are thousands of these nutrients that have been discovered and more continue to be discovered.  Whenever science tries to isolate one nutrient that is believed to provide a certain health benefit, studies often show no benefit of supplementation and sometimes show a harmful effect.

The benefits come from the combination of these plant nutrients that nature intended human beings to eat.

One aspect of whole plant foods, (Fruits, Veggies, Whole Grains, Beans/peas/lentils) is that they all contain dietary fiber which promotes health.

Animal foods contain no fiber whatsoever.

Processed foods usually have all or most of the fiber removed.

There are many different types of fiber, so it’s best to eat a variety of whole plant foods.

You will not get the same health benefits by supplementing an unhealthy diet with a fiber supplement.

So we should be eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans/peas/lentils daily, and the more variety, the better.


The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Power Plate


These four food groups provide the good nutrition you need. There is no need for animal-derived products in the diet, and you’re better off without them. Be sure to include a reliable source of vitamin B12, such as any common multiple vitamin or fortified foods.

What are Americans Actually Eating?


63% of calories come from processed foods

The more processed the food, the more phytonutrient deficient, calorically dense and disease promoting it is.

There are different degrees of processed foods.

Corn  Example


Slightly Processed

More Processed

Highly Processed

Highly Processed

Whole Kernels on or off the cob

Whole grain

ground into flour –

Bran and germ removed and ground into flour

Just the corn sugar

(corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup)

Corn Oil

The more processed the food, the more calorically concentrated it becomes!

 (The amount of calories per amount of food )

1 Tablespoon of corn ~ 8 kcal

1 Tablespoon of corn syrup ~ 60 kcal

1 Tablespoon of corn oil (any oil) is 120 kcal

All added oils are unhealthy. (Even Olive Oil and Canola Oil)
Hydrogenated/Partially Hydrogenated oils are the most unhealthy (Trans Fat)

Eliminate or Limit Animal Products

Meat, fish, poultry, dairy and eggs contain  cholesterol.
Animal foods are also the primary source of saturated fat.
So, like Trans Fat, saturated fat is very unhealthy for our arteries.


 Whole and minimally/slightly processed Plant Foods should dominate our diet.

Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, Legumes (beans, peas and lentils)

 Ways to replace disease causing foods with health promoting foods

  • “Sautéing” using water or low sodium vegetable broth instead of oil or butter
  • Use vinegar/lemon and spices to make oil-free salad dressing
  • Pizza with no or little cheese with oil-free sauce on whole grain crust
  • 100 % Whole Grain Breads and Cereals with little or no added sugar
  • Grill or Broil  Portobello mushrooms instead of meat
  • Brown or Wild Rice with vegetables and beans (No meat, dairy or added oils)
  • Whole grain pasta with vegetables and beans (No meat, dairy or added oils)
  • Oatmeal made with water with cinnamon and fruit
  • Replace oil in baking with applesauce or low-fat liquids like plant milk or water
  • Snack often on whole fruit
  • Snack on vegetables and use low-fat hummus as dip
  • *Replace eggs in recipes

*Eggs either act as binders, moisturizers or leavening agents

If eggs are binders in a recipe, it can be replaced with Arrowroot, Soy, Lecithin, Flaxseed Mix, Pureed Fruits or Vegetables, Silken Tofu, The ratio is, for every egg replaced, 1/4 cup of the substitute is used.

If eggs are leavening agents,  Baking Soda, Commercial Egg Replacement Powder such as Ener-G can be used.

If eggs are moisturizers, Fruit Juice, Plant Based Milk,