Ignoring Holistic Nutrition Research Harms Many

This video is from a Canadian news show that aired during Dr. Roy Swank's lifetime. It covers some drug trials for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and also covers Dr. Swank's diet trial for MS.  Towards the ... READ MORE...

Dr. Noakes knows running, but not Nutrition

Today I discovered that the well respected Professor of Sports Medicine and marathon runner Dr. Tim Noakes advocates a low carbohydrate diet.   Noakes is most famous for his landmark book the Lore of ... READ MORE...

What is Nutrition?

Many years ago I remember reading this simple, broad and clear definition of Nutrition:  Nutrition – The relationship between agriculture and health.  It was in some USDA nutrition education ... READ MORE...

You must read the China Study!

I assume that most people visiting this site have either read The China Study by T.Colin Campbell PhD and Dr. Tom Campbell or they’ve heard of the book, but haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.  ... READ MORE...

Why are we so confused about nutrition?

Why are we so confused about nutrition?  T. Colin Campbell PhD, the author of The China Study released his latest book in the spring of 2013. It’s called “Whole” and was co-authored by Howard ... READ MORE...